General Stock Information

Company NameAsteria Corporation
Securities Identification Code3853
Stock ListingsTokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market)
Share Unit Number100 shares
Fiscal YearFrom April 1 to March 31
Annual General Meeting of ShareholdersJune
Record DatesYear-end: March 31, Interim: September 30
Method of Public NoticeElectronic public notices
In the event that electronic public notices cannot be provided due to accidents or other unavoidable circumstances, public notice shall be given in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Shareholder Registry AdministratorMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
1-1 Nikkocho, Fuchu, Tokyo
183-0044, Japan

Mailing address:
Shin-Tokyo Post Office post office box No.29
137-8081, Japan
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Securities Agency Division
Special Account Management InstitutionSumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo
168-0063, Japan

Breakdown of Shareholders (Total Number of Shareholders: 11,503)

[Breakdown by Investor Type]

As of March 31, 2023

Shareholders ratio(%)Share holding ratio(%)
Individuals and Others98.5869.91
Financial Institutions0.0911.24
Other Companies0.567.22
Foreign Companies, etc.0.494.25
Treasury Stock0.013.91
Securities Companies0.273.47

Major Shareholder (Top 10 Shareholders)

As of March 31, 2023

Shareholder NameNumber of Shares Held (Unit)Shareholding Ratio (%)
HIRANO Yoichiro (Pina)1,860,00011.07
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)1,426,3008.49
KITAHARA Yoshiyuki887,5775.28
Miroku Jyoho Service CO., Ltd.552,8003.29
Panasonic Information Systems Co., Ltd.550,0003.27
Custody Bank of Japan Ltd. (Trust Account)326,6001.94
SBI Securities Co., Ltd.174,7241.04
Employee Stockholding Association122,2010.73
SAKAUE Tadashi120,0000.71

Note 1: Treasury stock (683,921 shares) is excluded.
Note 2: The shareholding ratio is calculated after deducting treasury stocks (683,921 stocks).

Upcoming Events

2024.05.14FY2023 Full-Year Financial Results Announcement at 3 p.m. JST (tentative)