Tokyo – June 24, 2021 – Asteria Corporation (Japan listed, Security Code: 3853) announced today that it will realize the carbon-neutral Annual Shareholders Meeting (To be held on June 26, 2021) using a carbon offset service by More Trees, a Tokyo-based forest conservation organization led by musician Ryuichi Sakamoto.
"Asteria forest" in the town of Oguni,
Kumamoto Prefecture
Under a partnership with the town of Oguni, Kumamoto Prefecture, Asteria has engaged in forest conservation activities in Oguni since 2015. Asteria adopted the More Trees’ service as it designates the forests in the town as among the carbon sinks.
The Diet, Japan’s parliament, passed a bill to revise a law to promote measures against global warming in May 2021; It included a pledge to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Asteria started “Asteria Green Activity” (formerly Infoteria Green Activity) aimed at building a sustainable ecosystem and society in 2015 and has signed agreements with the town of Oguni and the town of Semboku, Akita Prefecture. In these areas, Asteria has helped revitalize local communities such as by maintaining and preserving ecosystems as well as reviving the forestry industry, and made effective use of lumber from thinning, among other initiatives. On top of the activities, Asteria intends to meet the social needs for decarbonization.
As a first step, Asteria will offset CO2 emissions from operating the Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held on June 26. Carbon emissions from electricity consumption at the physical venue and the homes of 14 board members who participate in the meeting remotely will be net zero.
The carbon offset program draws on the government-managed J-Credit Scheme*, which certifies the amount of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or removed by sinks through efforts to introduce energy-saving devices and manage forests, as “credit.” Under this scheme, Asteria will buy a credit — which gives it the right to emit one ton of carbon dioxide — from More Trees.
Asteria is committed to activities conducive to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Asteria, formerly Infoteria Corporation, develops and sells software and services which connect a variety of in-house computers and devices. Its key product, ASTERIA Warp, is middleware which integrates data in different computer systems without any coding. As of end-March 2021, 9,208 companies, mainly large and medium ones, had introduced the product. Another product, Handbook, allows users to carry around materials used for sales activities and meetings as well as product catalogues in electronic files on smartphones and tablets. A total of 1,607 companies and public institutions had adopted the product through end-March 2021.
For more information about Asteria, visit
For any enquiries, please contact Masumi Koizumi of Asteria’s PR and IR department.Concluded.
Posted: Jul 20, 2021 15:00
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