Tokyo — May 23, 2022 — Asteria Corporation (Japan listed, Security Code: 3853) announced today that it has chosen SCSK Corp., Hitachi Solutions, Ltd., Systena Corp., Rakus Co. and Ricoh Japan Corp. as the winners at “ASTERIA Warp Partner Award 2022” for their remarkable contributions to the ASTERIA Warp business in the fiscal year ended March 2022 (FY2021).
The overview of ASTERIA Warp Partner Award
A representative from SCSK Corp. gives a speech after receiving the Partner of the Year award
ASTERIA Warp Partner Award is an annual event which recognizes and honors Asteria’s partner companies for their outstanding contributions to the ASTERIA Warp business. Over 80 companies have signed up for ASTERIA Warp sales partner program, striving to further expand the ASTERIA Warp-related business by offering solutions and development support, among other approaches.
This year, Tokyo-based SCSK Corp. won the Grand Prix — “the Partner of the Year 2022” — for having made greatest achievements among partner companies in FY2021. The “Excellent Partner 2022”, an award which commends a company that had made the second-biggest achievement, went to Tokyo-based Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
The recipients of the awards were presented a commemorative shield made of cedar from the town of Oguni, Kumamoto Prefecture, as part of Asteria’s activities intended to advance the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals*1 using lumber from thinning.
*1 : Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, are a collection of 17 targets aimed at tackling common global problems adopted by the United Nations in 2015.
The winners of ASTERIA Warp Partner Award 2022
Award name
Partner of the Year 2022
No.1 in annual sales of ASTERIA Warp
SCSK Corp.
Thank you very much for awarding us the prestigious prize, “Partner of the Year 2022” for having achieved the most annual sales in FY2021. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Asteria and everyone who has helped us receive this award for the third year in a row.
FY2021 was the year in which we saw increased data integration needs as investment in digital transformation (DX) conducive to the medium to long-term growth grew with the normalization of economic activities. In FY2022, too, we will continue to improve marketing and technical capabilities, and contribute to the further expansion and growth of the ASTERIA business, our core business.
Masaki Komine, a managing executive officer and
the head of IT Platform Business Group at SCSK Corp.
Award name
Excellent Partner 2022
No.2 in annual sales of ASTERIA Warp
Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
We are honored to receive the “Excellent Partner 2022”. We have been a master partner of ASTERIA Warp for more than 20 years since we formed an alliance with Asteria in 2000. We have worked together with ERP packages and our own product, FutureStage. and offered them to customers as core solutions that support their DX initiatives. We are genuinely pleased to receive this award, which is a recognition of our efforts.
We will strive to contribute to the growth of the ASTERIA Warp business by continuing to promote DX together with our customers with the advancement of sustainability transformation taken into account.
Kenji Hayahi, the deputy general manager of Industrial Innovation Business Division, Global Department at Hitachi Solutions, Ltd.
Award name
Contribution Award 2022
Sales and development partners that have built and deployed solutions using ASTERIA Warp, and planned and managed seminars on ASTERIA Warp. They also have their own products that can be linked to ASTERIA Warp
Systena Corp.
Rakus Co.
Ricoh Japan Corp.
Thank you very much for awarding us the prestigious prize, “Contribution Award”, for the third consecutive year. Our division handles tools such as RPA tools, AI-OCR, and BI tools and provides ASTERIA Warp as a no-code product. ASTERIA Warp is highly compatible with our other solutions, and we introduced various products at a seminar with a focus on collaboration so that many people can use them.
We will promote proposals from various perspectives based on collaboration with ASTERIA Warp and our other products, aiming to be the Excellent Partner this year and Partner of the Year next year.
Shunsuke Tsuchiya, Department Manager, DX Promotion Division,
Business Solution Group
We are sincerely grateful for receiving the prestigious prize, “Contribution Award”. As we propose our expense reimbursement system, “Rakuraku Seisan” to our customers, requests and inquiries about seamless data integration with existing in-house systems from them have been increasing recently. ASTERIA Warp are highly compatible with such needs and support us to make our proposal smoothly.
We will continue to introduce ASTERIA Warp in order to offer added value to our customers. We highly appreciate Asteria’s continued support and encouragement.
Koji Yoshioka, general manager of the Rakuraku Seisan Business
Management Department, Cloud Business Department at Rakus Co.
Thank you very much for awarding us the prestigious prize, “Contribution Award”. Our Kansai SE division started working on ASTERIA Warp two years ago when the COVID-19 pandemic began to change the way we work. We believe that ASTERIA Warp, which can connect various digital services and further automate and save labor, is the best product for proposing new ways of working to our customers.
We will keep proposing this product to various customers mainly in the Kansai area and we appreciate Asteria’s continued support.
Tadayuki Takahashi, the head of Kansai DX Solution Division, Ricoh Digital Services BU ICT Business Department ICT Technical Department
Award name
Project Award 2022
Partner companies that have developed the best solutions for their projects using ASTERIA Warp
SCSK Corp.
The future plans of ASTERIA Warp
ASTERIA’s ASTERIA Warp continues to expand steadily, with the number of companies currently using the product surpassing 9,600. The product has won the largest share of the domestic enterprise data integration market (EAI/ESB) for the 15th straight year*2. In FY2022, sales of ASTERIA Warp reached a record high as a result of the continued expansion of new collaboration needs in line with the enforcement of the revised electronic books preservation act, in addition to the increased focus on DX in a wide range of industries.
Asteria will continue to expand sales of ASTERIA Warp’s functions for linking with diverse data sources to a variety of industries. By taking advantage of its no-code features, we will support the use of data to solve social issues such as IT human resource shortages and contribute to the promotion of DX, including the streamlined and automated business operations.
About ASTERIA Warp
ASTERIA Warp is middleware whose main product is ASTERIA Warp, which allows data from different computer systems to be linked without programming. It is highly evaluated for its ability to connect between various systems, from mainframes and servers on the cloud to spreadsheet software, and convert data without complex programming.
For more information about ASTERIA Warp, visit
About Asteria Corporation
Asteria, formerly Infoteria Corporation, develops and sells software and services which connect a variety of in-house computers and devices. Its key product, ASTERIA Warp, is middleware which integrates data in different computer systems without coding. As of end-March 2022, 9,664 companies, mainly large and medium ones, had introduced the product. Another product, Handbook, allows users to carry around materials used for sales activities and meetings as well as product catalogues in electronic files on smartphones and tablets. A total of 1,647 companies and public institutions had adopted the product through end-March 2022.
For more information about Asteria, visit
*2 : According to Techno Systems Research Co.’s report “2021 Software marketing overview EAI/ESB market edition”.
EAI/ESB stands for Enterprise Application Integration and Enterprise Service Bus, respectively, and is a product category for data integration inside and outside companies.
For the press enquiries, please contact Masumi Koizumi of Asteria’s PR and IR department.
TEL: +81-3-5718-1297 / Mobile: +81-80-7716-9841 (Koizumi) / E-mail:
For product and service enquiries, please contact Takeya Higashide of Marketing Division.
Asteria, Handbook and Platio are registered trademarks of Asteria Corporation.
The names of companies, products, services and logos are registered or unregistered trademarks of individual companies.